13th International Choir Festival Cracovia Cantans 2024

Thursday, June 13, 2024 - Sunday, June 16, 2024

  • Thursday, June 13, 2024 - Sunday, June 16, 2024

They live in myriad cities and towns all over the world, and come to Kraków with a single goal in mind: to sing! Once again our city will be hosting Poland's biggest international choir event: the International Choir Festival Cracovia Cantans.


13.06.2024 THURSDAY

7pm Light and Singing
St Catherine’s Church
Ellerhein Children’s Choir at Tallinn Centre of Extracurricural Activities Kullo (Tallinn, Estonia)
Harstad Mandskor (Harstad, Norway)
Jitrenka (Ceske Budejovice, Czechia)
Vocal Project (Reykjavik, Iceland)
Viihdekuoro Cantarelli (Tampere, Finland)
Nanjang Technological University (Singapore)

14.06.2024 FRIDAY

6:30pm Concert of Popular and Folk Choral Music
Academy of Music in Kraków
Ceskobudejovicky detsky pevecky sbor Canzonetta (Ceske Budejovice, Czechia)
Harstad Mandskor (Harstad, Norway)
Vocal Project (Reykjavik, Iceland)
be:one (Berlin, Germany)
Ellerhein Children’s Choir at Tallinn Centre of Extracurricural Activities Kullo (Tallinn, Estonia)
Viihdekuoro Cantarelli (Tampere, Finland)

7pm Light and Singing
St Catherine’s Church
Pevecky sbor Adijamus (Ostrava, Czechia)
Magone (Katlakalns, Latvia)
Capella Cantabille Hollabrunn (Hollabrunn, Austria)
Bel Canto Olomouc (Olomouc, Czechia)

15.06.2024 SATURDAY

5pm Concert
Kolejarz Cultural Centre in Kraków
Bodø Håndverkerforening (Bodø, Norway)
„Lutnia Krakowska” Male Choir

7pm Light and Singing
St Catherine’s Church
Ostravsky detsky pevecky sbor (Ostrava, Czechia)
Cantando Canzoni (Zakliczyn, Poland)
Vokalni Harmonie (Hradec Kralove, Czechia)
Carnikava’s mixed choir „Vēja Balss” (Carnikava, Latvia)
Collegium Cantantium (Praga, Czechia)

9:15pm Singing at Night
Churrch of Sts Peter and Paul
Pevecky sbor Adijamus (Ostrava, Czechia)
Vocal Project (Reykjavik, Iceland)
Nanjang Technological University (Singapore)
be:one (Berlin, Germany)
Jitrenka (Ceske Budejovice, Czechia)

16.06.2024 SUNDAY

11am Holy Mass and concert
Piarist Church
Capella Cantabille Hollabrunn (Hollabrunn, Austria)

12:30pm Holy Mass and concert
St Casimir’s Church, ul. Bobrowskiego 6
New Dublin Voices (Dublin, Ireland)

12:30pm Holy Mass and concert
Our Lady of Ostra Brama Church, ul. Meissnera 20
Carnikava’s mixed choir „Vēja Balss” (Carnikava, Latvia)



14.06.2024 FRIDAY

3pm–4:30pm Category G – Sacral music
Church of Sts Peter and Paul
New Dublin Voices (Dublin, Ireland)
Vokalni Harmonie (Hradec Kralove, Czechia)
Jitrenka (Ceske Budejovice, Czechia)
Capella Cantabille Hollabrunn (Hollabrunn, Austria)
Leo Cantores – Cantabile (Głubczyce, Poland)
Risonanza Continua (Zabrze, Poland)

15.06.2024 SATURDAY

Mieczysław Karłowicz Music School

Category A – mixed choirs
Bel Canto Olomouc (Olomouc, Czechia)
New Dublin Voices (Dublin, Ireland)
Carnikava’s mixed choir „Vēja Balss” (Carnikava, Latvia)
Cantando Canzoni (Zakliczyn, Poland)
Nanjang Technological University (Singapore)
Category B1 – male choirs
Harstad Mandskor (Harstad, Norway)
Category B2 – female choirs
Collegium Cantantium (Praga, Czechia)
Vokalni Harmonie (Hradec Kralove, Czechia)
Magone (Katlakalns, Latvia)

Category C – youth choirs
Pevecky sbor Adijamus (Ostrava, Czechia)
Ceskobudejovicky detsky pevecky sbor Canzonetta (Ceske Budejovice, Czechia)
Ostravsky detsky pevecky sbor (Ostrava, Czechia)
Category D – children’s choirs
SEPTEMTHILLIS (Lipany, Slovakia)
Ellerhein Children’s Choir at Tallinn Centre of Extracurricural Activities Kullo (Tallinn, Estonia)
Category E – Chamber choirs
Risonanza Continua (Zabrze, Poland)

Category F – popular & folk music, gospel, spirituals

Ceskobudejovicky detsky pevecky sbor Canzonetta (Ceske Budejovice, Czechia)
Vocal Project (Reykjavik, Iceland)
be:one (Berlin, Germany)
Magone (Katlakalns, Latvia)
Viihdekuoro Cantarelli (Tampere, Finland)
Nanjang Technological University (Singapore)
Jitrenka (Ceske Budejovice, Czechia)

For whom: for children, for seniors, for families
Other: free admission
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