Under the May Sun
27 April 2018
Out of the blue, we find ourselves at the zenith of the cultural season: the Netia Off Camera festival kicked off in April, marking the beginning of great cinematic events… And the Film Music Festival features Polish accents: we are celebrating the 85th birthday of Krzysztof Penderecki whose music resounds in many cinematic hits, and we’re recalling the soundtracks from Agnieszka Holland’s films. The acclaimed Krakow Film Festival starts around the same time, presenting a review of achievements of documentary-makers, animators and other masters of viewing the world around us through a camera lens. Both festivals continue in June.
But May isn’t just about moving pictures! It’s also the time of Krakow Photomonth Festival (and the accompanying Krakow Photo Fringe): the main theme of this year’s festival, “Space of Flows”, explores the problems and maladies of the contemporary world and our attempts to capture and understand that which is in constant motion. Museum Night joins in with the celebrations of the centenary of Polish independence with the launch of the new Podgórze Museum and the latest exhibitions at MOCAK. And of course May abounds in music, including the long-awaited return of the jazz festival Solo Duo Trio and countless events in the open air – after all it’s almost summer and the long balmy days and nights aren’t just for student parties…
O, the merry month of May!
Grzegorz Słącz