Jordan Park al. 3 Maja / ul. Reymana / ul. Reymonta Situated on the other side of the street from Kraków’s Błonia Common, the park was... more
Korona Swimming pool ul. Kalwaryjska 9-15 The centre situated by the road to Tyniec on the outskirts of Kraków is one of few that... more
Kraków Chamber Opera ul. Miodowa 15 The opera buffa, the opera sacra, mystery plays, dramatised oratorios, and musical spectacles and... more
Kraków Rope Park ul. Widłakowa, Pychowice Pass through a labyrinth of platforms, Tibetan bridges, and balance beams! You can choose from two... more
Krzemionki ul. Parkowa / ul. Krzemionki Standing tall in the southern part of Kraków, this limestone hill is a picturesque place... more
Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Kraków ul. św. Tomasza 43 The Academy of Music in Kraków invites music-lovers to concerts of its students –... more
KTO Theatre ul. Zamoyskiego 50 The KTO Theatre formally follows the tradition of street theatre, which has let it develop a... more
Lasek Wolski Forest ul. Kasy Oszczędności Miasta Krakowa The Lasek Wolski forest is Kraków’s largest wooded park and a popular destination for... more
Laser Center ul. Zabłocie 20/22 A perfect place for leisure: an arena for laser paintball and a laser labyrinth. Become the hero... more
Nowy Proxima Theatre ul. Krakowska 41 The Nowy promotes young artists and contemporary drama. Its repertoire features controversial... more
Paintball Center ul. Jodłowa 46 The field for the game is situated between Kościuszko Mound and Lasek Wolski Forest, and offers... more
Polish Aviators’ Park między al. Jana Pawła II i al. Pokoju Set up in 1966, the park was to separate the city of Kraków from the steel mills of nearby... more