The City. Technosensivity
permanent event
Poland’s first such wide-ranging account on the evolution of engineering thought, its contribution to the transformation of the city and the lives of its inhabitants.
Embark on a journey through time – from the earliest concepts of cities, through the eras that followed, including industrial revolutions and post-war modernization, to the present day and beyond. We look at the technological portrait of the city not only with attention and respect, but also with affection.
As many as 600 remarkable technical artefacts, including some unique exhibits, will introduce you to the world of engineering thought. Replicas, models, mock-ups, audio-visual content and images supplement the overall narrative. Experiments can be performed independently in the LAB Zone using dedicated test benches. All of this to better understand the basic units of the SI system.
The unique exhibits include: 16th-century wooden water supply pipes from Kraków and Gdańsk, an F. Wichterle steam engine, wooden Miele stave washing machine, Picht braille typewriter, Edison phonograph, the first Polish telephones, a Feldfernschreiber cryptograph, Marconi 4LS/1 and Olympic-Z radio receivers, a sophisticated Capello Roma music set (with geographical scale), one of the first vacuum tubes of Polish design – a triode of the Polish Radio Technical Society, vacuum tubes from Loewe, a Gródek electric stove, New World gas stove, Electrolux built-in refrigerator from the 1920s, Fön hair dryer, Polish Fiat 508 car, CWS Sokół 1000 M111 motorbike, vehicle prototypes (including a Smyk microcar), an Odra 1305 computer, and probably the only surviving Krakow-made PSPD 90 minicomputer.
Visiting of the exhibition of historic tram cars is also included.
Exhibition open from Tueesday til Sunday 10 am–6pm. Information and reservation:, 12 428 66 00 ex. 11.
Tickets: normal PLN 35/28, children (3–6 years old) PLN 10, family (2 adults and 2 children or 1 adul and 3 children) PLN 95
Museum of Engineering and Technology
ul. św. Wawrzyńca 15
The museum is located in Kraków’s oldest depot of horse-drawn and electric trams, built late in the 19th and early in the 20th centuries. The perfectly preserved complex of buildings on Św. Wawrzyńca Street provides an opportunity to follow the development of municipal transport in Kraków from the introduction of horse-drawn trams in 1882, via electric trams, to the buses that entered the streets in the 1920s.
Futuronauci is a multimedia educational exhibition during which visitors explore the elements of a space vehicle and learn the key issues of modern engineering and the future of science. This experience has it also to encourage young people to reflect on their own capabilities and talents.
The museum is also an organiser of workshops, and events focused on science and technology, and the operator of the open-air Garden of Experiences in the Park of Polish Aviators.
Tickets: normal PLN 35/28, children (3–6 years old) PLN 10, family (2 adults and 2 children or 1 adul and 3 children) PLN 95